We went to Indiana University Bloomington to visit my friend. Lake Monroe, the largest lake in Indiana, is only 20 minutes away from IUB campus. We and her friends rented a ski boat on the lake. It was my first time to drive a ski boat. It was really fun and I definitely will go back sometime.
Last weekend, we went on a day trip to Chicago for Corey’s nontraditional bachelor’s party. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry in the morning and Shedd aquarium in the afternoon. This was the second time Keith and I visited Shedd aquarium.
We went the largest corn maze Explora Acres in the central northern Indiana this Saturday. Before that, we had lunch in the Journey sushi bar in Indianapolis. The sushi there is just so so, but hot Tommy boy went together with us. Since you will have a map of the whole maze, it is hard to get lost. Being inside the corn field, you cannot tell the figure of the whole maze. Here are some pictures we took.
After 10 hour driving from Purdue in Indiana, passing through Ohio, Pennsylvania, we finally arrived at Buffalo in New York state and settled down in the Days Inn. The hotel room is actually pretty nice, about 65 dollars per night. It is first time for me to drive that long. Glad had Keith here to help me through at several points.
Tomorrow morning, my friend Jon is going to pick us up and I will go to apply a vistor VISA to Canada. Hopefully, I can get the VISA and go to see the scences and eat authetic food in Toronto. Jon is going to show us the city and possibly go to see the Niagara Falls in USA side. It is pretty late now. I need to sleep and have energy for tomorrow. I am going to post pictures we took on the way later if you are interested. Wait for update tomorrow
It has been a while since last post. Just a quick update about what was going on.
My first paper was accepted for publication on Journal of Biomedical Optics.
Keith and I went to canoe on the Wabash river. The canoe that a Korean couple was on tipped over. Luckily, they had life ring on. It was scary to canoe on Wabash since we almost tipped over at two points.
More scary, we went to ride roller coasters in Kings Island in Ohio. That was the first time I went on a roller coaster. I am not sure if I dare to try it again.
I have my teeth deep cleaned and three oral cavities fixed. One tooth is still hurting and I cannot bite on that side. Hope it will get better soon.
I have two undergraduate students working with me for the summer section. I need to submit a paper before July 1st and have not started to write yet. Hope I can make the deadline. Good luck on the research.
OK, that is all for now. If you guys want to know more detail or anything, just drop me a line.
No one seems interested to register on my website since till now only one person registered and I do not know who he/she is. It might just because I update too rare. Hope I will change this situation.
昨天晚上回家的时候照例check邮箱,发现里面有一张从中国寄来的明信片,大红色的背景上有个小孩扎着两个辫子在玩风车,还有一个春字,旁边写着新春快乐。第一个反应是PY寄来的,之前给PY寄过一张去纽约玩买的明信片。不过看了看字体不象是他的。我对他的字还是很熟悉的。然后再看看了邮戳,有个京字,第一个字印在邮票上了也分不清楚是北还是南。不过还好日期下面写着上地,是从北京上地寄过来的。那可能是YXZ,字体似乎有点象,但是找了半天也没有找到署名。后来才发现原来现在的新年贺卡有些改进,被对折粘上了,可以撕开,内容原来在中间。字体有一点点草,辨认了几遍才基本认清楚每一个字。在异国他乡收到从祖国寄来的明信片挺感动的,现在很少有人寄信或者明信片了,也不知道你怎么知道我的地址的,应该是通过我的主页吧。准备把内容转载在下面,hope you are ok with that.